Napa Soap Company was founded by Napa Valley local, Sheila Rockwood. Having grown up in the Napa Valley, Sheila wanted to create a product which utilized ingredients made in the Napa Valley. She also wanted to create a product which could truly work - one which others could enjoy and use.
Combining her interest in the environment, aromatherapy and a prolific supply of lavender, Sheila discovered that soap offered a natural outlet for her talents. After researching the therapeutic benefits of a by-product of the local wine industry, cold-pressed grapeseed oil, Sheila decided to use this wonderful ingredient throughout her line. After nearly two years developing the right combination of essential oils and natural ingredients, Sheila started to sell her Napa Soap Company products to select accounts here in the Napa Valley.
Napa Soap is hand made in very limited quanties-less than 50 bars at a time. Each bar of soap is made from all natural ingredients, which means great for the skin! Here are just a few of the many ingredients used and their benefits:
Grapeseed Oil: An antioxidant and wrinkle fighter packed with Vitamin E.
Hazelnut Oil: Rich and nourishing, this oil is full of vitamins and minerals making it useful for treating acne and wrinkles.
Olive Oil: A wonderful, skin-friendly moisturizer which is extremely mild and suitable for sensitive skin. Olive oil is packed with vitamins, minerals and proteins.
Sunflower Oil: A light oil containing vitamins A, B, D and E, sunflower oil is mild and moisturizing.
Be sure to stop in soon and visit us. You must smell these soaps. They are simply delicious!